Why to Travel in the Off Season

So, this idea started with the thoughts of specifically traveling to Europe in the off season, so as you read please mind that, but I do feel that this can be applied to pretty much all destinations. 


o   Availability- we are not all planners, I definitely have my moments of planning but sometimes I can get to a destination and find that I actually want to do a tour or visit a restaurant that I have not pre-booked- and guess what, because not everyone and their mother is in XYZ destination at the same exact moment, I can get that sneaky reservation.  Maybe it’s really late or really early, but I can adjust, at least I’m in! If you are visiting at a peak time, specifically Europe in summer months, guess what- BOOKED. 


o   Prices- The same hotel room, attraction, tour, flight, train or even restaurant will likely be taking advantage of being so in demand and really raise their prices.  Especially with flights, you can save a ton of money by traveling at the odd time of year.  


o   Crowd- As pretty much anyone who has ever traveled with me can tell you, I get a bit overwhelmed in a crowd.  I just don’t like being surrounded by people bumping into each other, I don’t like having to be overly cautious about my belongings in fear they might be swiped and I definitely don’t like walking through a beautiful area to basically be blocked from seeing any of it.  


o   Weather- Growing up in NY, and now living in London, during the summer months NY weather is amazing and can make you feel like you are on a vacation just by existing in your normal surroundings.  If it is a touristy vacation I want, I likely do not want to be running around a city in summer heat.  Since I know that I have access to a beach from my own house I would rather save exciting vacations for times when I need to leave the dreary NY/ London weather.    


While I LOVE traveling in the summer, I do try to remember these thoughts when considering my summer travel.  To be honest, with Summer having such great weather, sometimes its really rewarding to take advantage of a more local destination! 


Xx Samantha