Airbnb vs. Hotels

When traveling, accommodation is a major part of your budget and planning prior to a trip.  Then comes the question, Airbnb or Hotel. 



When I was a fresh out of college girl, wanting to see the world a bit (and on a budget), I utilized Airbnb.  I am a huge advocate of Airbnb.  I have had wonderful experiences in beautiful rooms, on a budget.

o   Get to feel like a local.  Staying in a real home sometimes immerses you quicker, plus get tips from the owner, they usually have some great local restaurants or off the beaten path spots!

o   Can get a little more bang for your buck.  An average Airbnb can be a bit more budget friendly than the likes of a standard hotel. 

o   Need to treat it as if you are staying at a friend’s, it is not a hotel.   An Airbnb is someone’s home, and therefore you need to act as if you are staying with friends (more mindful of your volume and house rules). 



Sometimes nothing beats a night in a beautiful, luxurious hotel.   I’m a bathtub lover and appreciate the convenience of a concierge service.  If I am going on a trip to relax and unwind I will usually choose a hotel or resort that offers me the comforts I need, especially if I am planning to spend time past the sleeping portion of the trip. 

o   Personally, sometimes the luxury of a hotel is a vacation from life, if this is you, I get it!

o   $$$- hotels can be pricey, especially in major cities, and the price doesn’t always give you the level of luxury you might be pining for. 

o   Hotels will hold your stuff for you even when you have checked out, which is sometimes I seem to always need/ utilize. 

o   Getting the tourists experience and not the local persons view. 


Take away

If you are trying to save money and get to as many places as possible, or just generally appreciate a more local, less frilly experience, I would say look no further than what Airbnb has to offer.  Plus, why not save a little $$ and splurge on that must have meal or experience.  Or even shopping if that’s your thang.  If you are looking for a bit of luxury and definitely need that extra TLC, and you’re not too worried about a budget, go for that amazing hotel experience.