Saying Goodbye to British Summer

Summer 2021 was my first real experience of British Summer, marking summer 2022 as my second official summer in the United Kingdom.  The U.K. is truly Gorgeous in the summer.  As much as I am always beyond excited to head into Autumn, I am a bit sad to say goodbye to the warm, long days and just in general the sun.  I have been reflecting on how great the weather in the summer was and just wanted to share some of my highlights! 


Hailing from New York, I am used to getting all four seasons throughout the year, and the extremes of those seasons.  Contrary to popular belief the summer in London was warm and humid, but in all the best ways, apart from some extreme heat in the middle there.  Personally, the best thing about summer in London is the daylight hours.  With the sun rising before 5 am and setting well after 9 pm, it is hard to not make the most of your days and spend time in the sunshine.  


London is filled with some of the most amazing parks, as well as the lovely waterfront walk on the Thames.  Pubs gardens and street markets seem to come alive during this time, overflowing their population onto the sidewalks and surrounding areas.  Leaving London during the summer and heading out to the country was also just as nice, enjoying cool & fresh summer air, mixed with maybe a little bit of rain.  Overall, I find the British summer to be less extreme heat and more tolerable in a sans air conditioning world.  Visiting the UK during summer should be on everyone’s list, but then again, I’m unsure if there was a time I wouldn’t suggest a visit. 

Have you been to the UK during summer?

Samantha Xx