Summer in London

 Summer is one of the most fabulous times in London, though I feel like I say that about every season here.  When you love a city, it is easy to always feel like that. This summer has been relatively mild compared to the past two where we had some periods of time of extreme heat.  Early summer days in London will keep the daylight going till practically 10 o’clock, which really gives a nice feeling to the evenings.  So, when you visit in summer, here are some things that I would recommend!


1.      Parks - all of the parks have so much to offer it is hard to choose just one or two to highlight.  Parks like Hampstead and Hyde Park have lovely swimming areas, if that is your favorite way to cool off from the heat (when we have it).  You can also rent paddle or row boats and cruise around the serpentine. 


In Hyde Park there is a super cute, almost hidden bar/ garden area, where you can take in the sun or hide in the shade while enjoying some Pimm’s or Aperol Spritz cause, tis the season.  The spot is a really lovely, almost hidden gem to hang for summer.  Just below there is a place that has lovely lunch options, including a salad that keeps me going back!


2.     Sloane Square - For the summer months there is a lovely setup on the square that has options from the surrounding restaurants, such as the Botanist, with some awesome food and drink choices.  It is under the shade of the trees, a fun environment to sit outside and hang!


3.     Chelsea – just a moment’s walk from Sloane Square is the lively Pavilion Road.  On a nice day the restaurants have their tables and chairs on the pedestrian only road.  There are some great options and the scene just gives all the summer feels for London. Get ice cream at ‘Parlour by the Ice Cream Union!


4.     Wimbledon – though it is past now, if you find yourself in London for the summer, spending one day at the tournament is so fun.  The grounds are buzzing with tennis fans, the excitement is truly palpable. 


5.     Boating up the Thames - whether it be taking an Uber boat or any other type, cruising up and down the Thames on summer evenings is magical, and can even take you past some major sites!


6.     Buckingham Palace – open just for a few months in summer you can book a tour of the inside of the palace.  Book ahead as this tour is definitely quite busy on the weekends!

 7.      Richmond - a gorgeous riverfront neighborhood.  If you are a fan of Ted Lasso, this is your area.  During the summer months there are boats and water activities that you are able to rent, and overall just really enjoyable while the weather is warm.  Get an ice cream at Gelateria Danieli, it is amazing!