Making Moves

Besides my four years in college, I have lived in New York and have had an itch to try something new.  I have ALWAYS wanted to live in London [and California ha] and decided it was finally time I took some action on the dream.  London has been everything I imagined.  Moving to a new city, country, continent and time zone, away from family and loved ones can be scary, but they are just a phone call away. I decided that I should try it temporarily, to see if I can see it becoming more permanent and if I could really lay my roots.  The friends I have made during my time here are lovely, and have truly given me the multicultural experience I was so desperately craving.  

Considering the excitement of the living in a new city, I thought this was finally a good time to start my blog.  I wanted to do this because travel has been one of the best things that has happened to me and I wanted to share that with other wanderlusters [think I just made that word up]. Hopefully this will be a space where I can share my discoveries, as well as learn about other peoples findings.  Within my next few posts I will take you through my discoveries in London.  From the few short months I've been here I've learned that if you have been thinking about trying something for years (moving, dying your hair, a new food) DO IT.  I was pretty scared leading up to the move, wondering if I had made the right decision personally, financially, and I have to say once I actually did it, I felt SO much relief. Life is so short, so try whatever it is that's be on your mind!


Sam x