Quick tips for Going to Kruger and Going on Safari

Your first time going on safari can be a bit overwhelming, as you might not know what you expect. Here are a few tips I wish I knew going in!

1-      Bring lots of layers- days are hot, nights can be cold, I would be as prepared as possible with as many options.

2-     Dress for comfort- as you are in a car for most of you day, you will probably want to be as comfortable as possible. 

3-     Sunscreen- the sun is no joke! Besides being hot, be protected.  Nothing will be less enjoyable than if you are uncomfortable from sun burn.  I somehow managed to get sun burnt on one side of my body through the car window, learn from me!

4-     Water- I would bring as much water or drinks as you can, as you might be miles or hours from a camp, depending on where you are in the park.  You should also apply this to snacks or meals if you aren’t planning to take a break. 

5-     Be patient- maybe this is obvious to some, but it wasn’t to me, you are essentially driving around hoping to catch a glimpse of animals in their natural environment.  They are not lined up on the side of the road waiting for you, so it might take a little while to have some cool sightings!

6-     Time management/ plan your day- Depending on time of year, the park gates can open extremely early/ close late (all dependent on sunrise/ sunset).  I would have a loose plan of your timings.  As early mornings and sunset are typically a bit more exciting for animal sightings, plan your breaks, meals and route accordingly.