Leaning into the January Blues

January is often a tough month, as we have just come out of the marathon that is Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, and head into a cold, dark, quieter month.  This year, I planned for my January, and decided to make the most of the period, that I refer to as my hibernation time.  Since I knew I was going to be taking it slow, I decided, it was best to get excited about those things, so what did I do?

I read, a lot.  Well about 4 or 5 books worth, months still not over so let’s see.  Over the past few years I have really come to love reading a lot more than I used to, so I love a time that’s more focused on having this time.  I also have amassed a never-ending reading list, so am always happy when there is time to tick off a few!

I cooked.  I cooked a lot.  I decided to try to make everything from scratch and try some old and new recipes.  After years of telling people I don’t like lasagna, I found out I do! I finally got to some of the saved recipes that I have on Instagram, which made my home feel extra cozy. 

I slept! This might seem basic, but making it a priority to get 7-8 hours a night for me really changes everything!  Oddly, for a month that normally makes me feel endlessly sleepy, I have been so energized and happy! I also prioritized my 4 million step skin routines, because to be honest, over Christmas I was lucky if I got on moisturizer and eye cream twice a day. 

I enjoyed London.  Apart from the holidays, I had been traveling almost every weekend from the fall to Christmas, which was amazing but also so tiring.  I made a promise to myself apart from coming back to London, there would be no traveling for at least a month or two.  Therefore, reminding me to embrace London, revisit neighborhoods that I haven’t been to in a few months. 

I organized.  Not a glamourous aspect, but I took the month the get all of my life in order, or to figure out when I had the time do.  Which in turn, gave me a ton of peace.  To be honest, I have had the longest ongoing to do list (I love a list) and I managed a few of the bigger tasks.  

Not drinking this month probably helped a ton, after one to many glasses of red were consumed over Christmas, I loved the break.  Having a daily walk has become so engrained in me, appreciating it again has been renewing.  Lastly, just embracing the new start has been invigorating. 

To be honest, as it is now the last weekend in January, I am actually kind of sad it’s coming to an end.  As I have gotten ‘older’ I have made a point not to wish away time.  I am always looking forward to what the future holds, but I try to make a point not to constantly want, Friday, the weekend, the spring, summer, etc.  For me, January has finally become an exciting, happy month, hoping this trend keeps going!

How did everyone else find this January?

Xx Sam