January favorites

I don’t know about for you, but this year I LOVED January.  Very much felt like a fresh start, not a clean slate, but more like ok let’s rethink about goals and how this year will be different to last when it comes to achieving them.  I no longer felt ‘behind’ because everything is just starting again.  I have also loved having a bit of a more relaxing period, leaning into hibernation before it gets warm again.  Anyways, I think everything that I am loving this month, kind of leans into this theme.  

 Air pods (again) | After losing one of my air pods in the spring, I didn’t immediately run to replace them thinking this wasn't a necessity, and truthfully it has been tough.  I finally bit the bullet and went and replaced them. My lord, I forgot how much I loved them.  Plus, this has tremendously made my walks more enjoyable, because popping on a podcast while walk is my favorite!! 

Abercrombie Cable Duster Sweater | I bought this for myself while I was home for Christmas, and have donned it my 'emotional support sweater,' I have been LIVING in it, it truly is like a warm hug on these cold winter days! Plus, it’s on sale right now! 

Abercrombie Chunky Scarf | Love the light blue color I got it in, but also it’s SUPER warm.  Makes me happy to add a pop of color to my endless supply of black/ camel jackets.  Act quick - it’s half price!

Australian Open | Obviously this is over now, but I have loved waking up super early every morning to catch the coverage of the matches in Australia.  There is something I find so exciting about getting into major tennis tournaments. 

Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask | Let me just say, they are not doing themselves justice when they say this is a hydrating mask.  I have used this on any part of my body that is dry (TMI, but think dried out winter feet).  This truly has been the best thing I have ever found for daily use! Seriously, test this for yourself! 

Nest candles | Since I wasn’t at my apartment for majority of the lead up to Christmas, I am very much still basking in all of their holiday sets, a I am a sucker for them. I am using these until I am ready to breakout al grapefruit and pink Himalayan Salt and Rosewater scents to embrace a bring more spring/ summer!

Dr. Teals bubble bath & salts | As part of my ~hibernation~ season, I have been taking tons of baths.  I personally alternate between the lavender scents and the eucalyptus, but they both make me equally happy and relaxed, spicing up any bath time. 

Emily Henry Books | I just finished Happy Place, and it quite literally made me happy.  This is the third book of hers I have read, saving number four a little bit longer, but they always are a quick light read.  Think rom com! 

Moleskine notebooks | I am one of those people who used to love back to school because of getting new notebooks and supplies.  This excitement has never worn off, just now I’m a little bit more sophisticated.  Cue, the Moleskine.  Say what you will, but having these for work/ personal use, sparks small moments of joy every time I have use one.  Plus, because they are so pretty, I end up attempting to make my handwriting as neat as possible to not ruin them

Tongue scraping | I am so late to the game on this one, but I can never go back.  My mouth has never been cleaner.  I use this one, but I am sure any metal one will do!

The Library | I buy so many books, and there is only so much space in my cozy one bedroom, so utilizing the library has been a complete game changer.  Plus, it brings me to books that I probably wouldn’t have purchased and authors that I now love! Additionally, similar to roaming in a book store, this gives me that satisfying feeling you get from that.   IYKYK 

What are some things that have been sparking joy for you this month? 

Xx Samantha