Favorite Trips of 2023

Personally, 2023 was a great year for travel.

The year started with some trips back to America, visiting home and then parts of the Midwest.  I got to Africa a couple of times, finally getting to explore a part of Northern African that I have dreamed about for quite some time.  I had a wild and amazing experience on safari in South Africa.  I finally completed the United Kingdom, touching down in Belfast! Lastly, I city hopped through Europe, visiting some of my favorites, while also discovering some new places.  So where was my favorite place you might ask? Sadly, indecision is one of my worst qualities, making it impossible to ever settle on just one, but I have rounded it off to my favorite five trips this year.  

 1. Budapest- This was a new one for me, as I had never stepped foot in Hungary prior.  To be honest, I had almost no expectations when visiting, other than I was REALLY excited to see the parliament building in the flesh.  To me, Budapest was a stranger, but I quickly fell in love. Budapest was exciting, beautiful, and lively, to say the least.  The city itself, if nothing else, is very beautiful as the architecture is stand out, especially for all of the cities I have been to recently.  I did my trip in fall/ winter and therefore temperatures were cold, which for me added to how cozy the restaurants and bars were.  The food was so delicious, as were the Hungarian wines and local beers! 

2. Marrakesh: Completely different to any travel experience I have had before.  I found Marrakesh exciting and extremely relaxing all at the same time.  The architecture was gran, and the color palate was mesmerizing.  Amazing food and restaurants as well as a lovely focus on happiness and wellness! I am already ready for my next trip to Morocco! 

3. Paris: God, I love being in Paris.  Food, culture, love, it’s all happening in the city of lights, and I am here for it.  I am a bit of a romantic, but who isn't when they are visiting.  To me, Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and always gives you something new to see on each visit.  With Paris being so accessible from London, I really wonder why I don't get there more.  

4. South Africa:  If I am being completely honest, this was probably my favorite trip of 2023.  Being in South Africa really makes me happy, from the endless sun to the more peaceful lifestyle.  Going on safari really takes you out of the world for a few days if you ask me, and there is something I really love with being so removed from everyday life.  Besides how amazing it is to see wildlife close up, in the natural habitat, it is an extremely calming and peaceful experience.  Plus, if you are like me and from a place riddled with light pollution, seeing a very clear night sky is something you can only understand when you see it yourself. If you haven't booked this trip, you really must! 

5. Rome:  Rome needs absolutely no introduction, and probably no explanation, yet here I go. I always feel I am a bit enchanted when I am walking the streets of Rome, like I am in my own sort of romcom fairy-tale or something.  It was so good to get back there this year, revisiting some of my favorites stops from last time, while also exploring news stops.  Never change Rome! 


What were some of your favorite trips of last year?


x Samantha