Prague, Czech Republic

Prague came into my mind around the time when everyone started to study abroad and I was still on campus, being ever so slightly jealous that was not.  Everything about Prague was so enticing to me, I knew next to nothing about Czech or Prague regarding history or culture or even what to expect while there.  With all of the mystery, I knew I needed to go, and believe me, it did not disappoint. 

Taking Prague by foot was my favorite way to get around, which led me to not attempt public transport.  I wanted to take in as much as possible, which resulted in getting lost, seeing more of the city that I wouldn’t have accidentally wandered to. 


Prague Castle | Perched on the top of the hill, the castle is grand and beautiful.  Whilst you are up here, you will also have great views of the city.  Make sure to book your tickets ahead of time!

Charles Bridge | One of my favorite bridges in Europe, majestic and medieval, with history dating back to the 1350s.  Make sure you take a step back to get a good view. 

Lennon Wall | An ever-changing colorful mural, often used to celebrate global peace or other ongoing causes. 

Astronomical Clock | The history of the clock is fascinating, as much as the clock in beautiful.  Make sure you take the time!

Old Town Square | Centered around the clock, the square is a big open area with  

Obencni Dum | Gorgeous concert hall to check out


The cuisse was the biggest mystery to me, I didn’t even know what I was looking for here.  I did end up asking some locals what to look for.  Turns out, the food is quite delicious and makes for a lovely cozy meal.  Look out for pork, dumplings and sauerkraut, beer, chimney cakes, goulash (probably with dumplings as well), duck with stewed cabbage, beer and bread dumplings. 


I would learn a few Czech greetings, as if you need to ask someone for directions greeting someone in their own language will go a loooong way here.