Favorite Fall Candles

            I’ll keep this short and sweet.  Is everyone as obsessed with seasonal candles as much as I am? September 1 rolls around and you can guarantee there are fall candles scents wafting through my house.  This has been engrained in me from an early age, Mom, Dad, Brother and Sister are all equally as delighted with candles.  Always a favorite gift in our house too!

The three seasonal candles I stuck to this Fall might come as a surprise to many.  In my opinion, Trader Joes is a hidden gem when it comes to candles.  I love the small candles they bring out with each season, which I ended up picking up a ton from.  Vanilla Pumpkin hits all the season feels and the Honeyapple Crisp keeps your house smelling fresh.  They both provide amazing smells that put you right in the ~fall feeling~.  

Having said that, my number one for fall is Bath and Body Works, from their White Barn label, ‘Pumpkin Apple.’ It smells delicious.  Honestly, half the time I don’t even have it lit and I can smell it traveling through the air.  I have bought this scent year after year since I was in college and will do for years to come, I simply just cannot get over how homey it makes your space feel.  Will be on this trend till the night of November 25th, once Black Friday rolls around, we switch up the scents! Candles are simply one of my absolute favorite house items and bring me so much joy.  


What are you guys burning this year that has put you in that fall mood?! 


Xx Samantha