Perfecting My Pre Flight Ritual

In recent years I have found myself spending more and more time in the air and therefore have perfected my preflight ritual, almost to a science.  I find that when I stick to my routine and have everything just right, my flight, as well as my arrival in said destination is much more enjoyable that if I just turn up to the airport unprepared.


First things first, I typically do a lot of walking before a flight.  I am talking trying to get the typical 10,000 steps in kind of walk.  This is for a few reasons, firstly if I am going to be confined to a seat for a long period of time I have to feel like I have moved enough for a day.  Secondly, I find it makes me less restless on the flight. Typically, most of my flights are long haul/ overnight and in that case, I do try to wake up really early the day of to try to will myself to sleep on the plane.  If I am too awake its game over. 


For travel in general I do keep a standard list on my phone in notes, that basically culminates everything I have ever needed on a trip ever.  I have this broken down into categories (judge me) and one of those categories is my purse/ small carry on so I can make sure I have everything I will want during said flight handy.  I find that I am 1 million x more relaxed if I have given myself enough time and am super organized, but eh that’s just me.  Making sure all the small items I will want during flight are to hand is amazing.  Everything I will always need during a flight: Laptop, eye mask, phone charger, hand cream, lip balm, travel wallet, heart burn meds, cashmere wrap/scarf, jet lag mask, Airpods, gum, bose headphones, deodorant, mini tooth brush (or a tooth brush in general) and lastly, my book. Sometimes there are other needs, but those are my basics. 


If for some reason I was wearing makeup before a flight I remove everything and do a really good face clean. I drink tons of water.  I try not to drink any alcohol.  I don’t eat anything that will make me feel greasy or gross during flight. 


Also, this might be crazy of me… as soon as I sit, I check every single movie that is available and adding it to the list on the on flight TV… so I can make a decision.  I get really jealous if I see another screen that is on a film I wanted to see, so I need to be sure of my decision up front. (This is for all the other undecisive people out there).


I do try to eat a normal healthy meal before going on a plane, people claim this helps with jetlag (still unsure about that) but it does help me to feel normal in a way. 


What tips and tricks do you have before a flight?


Xx Sam