
If you have never been to Morocco, what are you waiting for?

A few years ago, Morocco peaked my interest, due to a few articles in Conde Nast Traveler, mixed with the rise of being able to see the world via Instagram.  A destination for me that almost seemed like it was untouched with time, yet still so exciting to me.  Plus, the easy flight from London made a long weekend here a no brainer.  I landed on the idea that for my first trip I needed to start in Marrakesh, because why not!  In my opinion, to explore Marrakesh, three full days is perfect, plus then you leave a few things for the next trip.  Get ready for an over stimulating, exciting, nothing like you have ever experienced, trip.



When choosing a place to stay, I would choose somewhere within the Old Medina, this is more of a convenience choice, as this will make walking to any of the tourist stops possible.  If you stay outside of the Old Medina you will just have to get a cab or some form of transport to get back.  Plus, in the maze that is Marrakesh, finding a beautiful riad down an alley to an offshoot of the main ‘road’ is really exciting in its own way.  That brings me to my next point, stay in a riad.  These can be booked directly with each riad, or some can be booked on Airbnb. Personally, they are just magical, a peaceful oasis just tucked behind city walls.  The service in riads is also amazing, as the people are lovely, some have really nice pools, that are very much appreciated on hot days, some even have breakfast cooked for you in them. 



There are tons of cultural sites to see when visiting Marrakesh, one does not simply get bored here.  Since their architecture was so different to anything I have ever seen, I was in awe throughout the whole visit.  In my opinion, some sites that you CANNOT miss, are Badi Palace, Bahia Place and Ben Youseff Mosque.  These are all historical landmarks you will need to buy a ticket to enter.  The architecture in Badi palace is breathe taking. The scale is massive, and it will make you feel very small.  Bahia Palace is beautiful, colorful and an oasis.  The deatails are so ornate, you will wonder how it is possible.  Lastly, Ben Youseff, the first mosque I have ever been in, but was blown away by the size and beauty.  Some other places I would make sure to check out are Place Des Epices, Jemaa el-fna, and Souk Des Epices, all markets and shopping areas, where you can buy all the souvenirs your heart desires.


The cuisine in Morocco is nothing short of amazing.  My tips would be to avoid any restaurants that seem too touristy, as I don’t find the food quite as good as the ones that are a little more of the beaten path/ bit more hidden.  Some places you should try:

1.      Le Foundouk – my number one, don’t miss restaurant.  Amazing food, a gorgeous atmosphere.  Would make a reservation. 

2.     L’mida Marrakech – really lovely space, with good food.  Another spot where a reservation is probably essential. 

3.     Le Jardin Restaurant Marrakech – really tranquil space, good for breakfast

4.     Palais DONAB – for some light bites, but mostly if you need a place to have a drink, come for a really lovely setting. 

5.     MK Rooftop Marrakech – again good for some light bites and drinks when you are taking a bit of a break during the heat of the day


If you can, go to a hammam, it will be such a culturally interesting experience, for me like one I have never had before.  Get a full body scrub and embrace the local traditions! I personally tried Hammam Mouassine, which came recommended by a few people, but there are tons! Make sure you have all of the mint tea! During the heat of the day I didn’t understand how on earth hot tea could be refreshing, but it really was!

Have you been yet?

XX Samantha