Traveling Off Peak

As a person, who loathes a crowd, traveling at off peak moments in the year seems like a no brainer.  But, when you are scrolling Instagram in July and seeing every person you know beach side in Italy or the South of France, you might want to join in! I too love getting away in the summer, but there are some benefits taking your trip at a less popular time of year.  Here are my top three reasons:

Crowds: now this is obvious, but when you don’t have to spend your time in traffic, waiting for a restaurant, standing in line at a museum for hours to get in, or struggling to get availability at places you want to visit, suddenly visiting when others are not looking to seems a lot more appealing.  I can promise you museums are a lot more enjoyable when you are not rubbing shoulders with everyone else in them!


Savings: to me this is the most obvious, but when you don’t travel at the exact times as everyone else, flights, transport etc. is cheaper.  Hotels will have off season prices, even food spot might be charges lesser prices for the same things they are doing in the busy season.  An added bonus is that the service is likely better!


Weather: So, this is more of a preference thing.  But I don’t like doing any sort of city break in the summer.  I will never understand anyone who is able to walk around a city while sweating.  I prefer needing a light jacket, I am definitely a mild weather girly.  If it’s hot, you will find me on a beach.