Sourdough Bread

I might have missed the pandemic craze of making your own sourdough starter, but don’t worry, I have finally caught up.  This year as a bit of a passion project I decided to dabble in bread making.  Now I am fully a convert, and will fully never need to buy another loaf again (I kid).  But seriously, there is something magical about creating something for yourself from start to finish, dare I say it tastes better.  What I discovered from this is that bread is a labor of love.  It is actually not complicated, it comes down to patience, you cannot rush bread at all. 


1 / 4 cup homemade sourdough starter

1 tsp salt ( I don’t really measure this part, more of an eyeball)

2/3 cups warm water

2 cups of flour


·  First mix the starter, salt, and water till all of the starter is dissolved in the water. 

·  Mix in flour

·  Let dough sit 7 to 8 hours, stretching and folding at least 4 times. This is key to make the sourdough rise.  Keep covered with a towel throughout

·  I personally like sprinkling the top with a small amount of pink Himalayan salt.  Score the top of the bread, get fancy or just a plain x will do

·  Cook at 425F for 20 minutes in a covered Dutch oven, 25 minutes without. 


Recipe used for two-three people.  Keep in mind, this bread has no preservatives so best to consume within one day.  You should double this recipe if this is for 4 people or more.