I'm Back!

HELLLOOO Everyone! 


After an extremely long (years) and much needed hiatus, I’M BACK.  Let me catch you up to speed.  I started my site and first started posting in 2017 at the tail end of a sabbatical (or more so a trial period to see if I could do this long term) in London.  


Once my time was over and I headed back to NY and to my job in finance I knew I needed to get back to London and needed a new career path.  Moving became my number one priority and I had to put most of my focus into that (moving abroad is tough work and took me awhile).  I also ALWAYS bite off more than I can chew (more on this later) and posting to Somewhere with Samantha became something that sadly took a back seat, though I never stopped writing. 


 In this time, I had a breakup, travel, lots of travel, I tried dabbling in new careers on the side, a pandemic, a new relationship and lastly, I headed back to University for another degree.  But here I am finally full time living in London, and truthfully, I have never been happier. Now it’s time to share all the adventures I have taken during this period away, and all the ramblings that are coming up.  Happy to be back!!!!


Samantha x